Marketing to South Asians Online in 2022: A Helpful Guide

Today’s internet-savvy consumers want brands to engage with them in a personalized fashion. Marketers can find it challenging when they don’t understand their audiences. Using the same marketing strategy for all ethnicity and subgroups would be a grave mistake. This is particularly true for the immensely diverse South Asian population in the United States (U.S.).  […]

Tips to Get More Clicks on Your Banner Ads

In today’s online world, display advertising where the web banner design focuses on the needs of the viewer rather than the features of a product gets results. While the world of digital advertising has come a long way from using ‘static banner ads with a company logo’ to ‘ad matches user needs.’ The most effective […]

Spring Cleaning: Refresh Your Digital Marketing Campaign This Season

It’s officially spring, and with the new season comes a new opportunity to refocus your marketing efforts. Regardless of what kind of business you own, if you aren’t running a digital marketing campaign, you are missing out on a huge potential opportunity to grow your business.  In today’s times, digital marketing is the number one […]

Amazon India: Big Strides For 2022

Amazon is a big hit among Indian citizens and has become the go-to platform for anything and everything – from a needle to an electric bike. Amazon has witnessed a surge in its growth in India. As more tailored “Glocal” solutions are being implemented, their marketplace is becoming a melting pot for various business possibilities […]

Is Your Marketing Plan Ready For The Post-pandemic World?

Before the COVID pandemic, the marketing and selling of one’s product used to be binary—retailers with stores sold their products offline, while eCommerce players used their websites. Each group had a unique marketing strategy, dedicated customer base, and a pre-existing roadmap of increasing customer lifetime value. But today, the lines are blurring.  Better connectivity and […]

The Best & Worst Ads Of Super Bowl LV, 2021

It was the year 1984, and 77 million Americans were glued to their television sets. The Washington Redskins were up 28 to 9 against the Los Angeles Raiders when the whistle for a break was sounded. Suddenly, bald uniformed, expressionless people fill the television set. A split second later, a blonde athlete is being pursued […]